Makes YOU Responsible, January 25, 2010
By | Gembug (MI, USA) - See all my reviews |
And it's not about being a door mat either. Nor is it about a 50/50 balance in your marriage. It is more important that YOU feel balanced in giving to yourself, and to your mate, which in turn lets go of resentments. Don't expect him/her to take care of your needs, take care of your needs yourself, and free him from the responsibility of taking care of you.
I am a very analytical minded person, I love to dig and get to the bottom of issues. I feel so much less stressed out letting go of "having to know/understand" and just BEING.
This book is saving my marriage!
It can work if you use it., August 10, 2009
This Book Is a great way to make almost any relationship work. It is not intended for lazy or unmotivated people. Yet, If you are wanting to make your relationship work out between you and your spouse. The work starts with you! This book contians What the Auther call experiments, I think they are more like personal training lessons. Teaching us how to control our own thoughts and actions to make the difference in the relationship. Not focusing on the other person to make the change in your relationship, but focusing on your self to make the difference needed.If you are not willing to try any of the "experiments" the program will not work for you. So, before you buy this book make sure you are committed to your spouse. This is not the most fair program in the world , But nothing in life is fair. And, A relationship should not be fair you both should be doing more than your fair share, and not contemplating on what you think the other should be doing that is fair. So if you want your relationship to work take advantage of the personal training lessons through out the book. Read the book from cover to cover. Do the work that is required and the program will make a difference in your relaionship. Hope you enjoy it.